As parents it could be hard to comprehend how to stay away from your child for an extended period of time. However, if you have made the decision to let your child pursue his or her chosen path in the academic field in an overseas university, you have made a wise and brave choice in molding your child’s future. You as the parent will have a few responsibilities to consider before and after you have sent your child abroad for their studies. Here is a list of factors you should look in to before your child makes a decision about their academic path, and after your child is settled to study abroad in a foreign country.

1) Do Some Ground Work
You need to discuss with your child about the goals they want to achieve by studying abroad. As a parent you are able to advice and support your child with their decision and lay out the path for them to achieve those goals. You will also need to do some extensive research on the subjects and courses your child has chosen for themselves, the overall atmosphere of the universities they are interested in and the area in which they would be living in to ensure their safety.
2) Estimate The Expenditure You Will Have To Pay
Sending your child abroad for higher studies will include many areas in which you will have to allocate money for, such as the tuition fee, food, travel, communication, accommodation and health expenses. Making an estimate of the total cost by taking all these factors in to account will enable you to make an informed decision.
3) Communicating With Each Other
Once your child is settled in the new country and with their course, you need to decide on a schedule and a medium through which you can communicate with your child. Find out what your child’s schedule is when it comes to their daily routine of classes, travelling and doing chores and agree on a specific time to speak with each other. This will ensure that you keep being connected to your child even though you are miles apart, without hindering their personal space. You can choose one of many digital platforms available, such as Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, e-mail, etc. to stay connected.
4) Give Ample Emotional Support
Your child is likely to experience a completely different environment when they are abroad, compared to which they were used to back at home. Sometimes, if not often, it may lead to stress and anxiety in your child and you would be the one they look to find solace. It is your duty to listen intently and support them to help them get themselves back on track. Assure your child that they will be able to get adjusted to the new environment if they give it some time and make an effort to explore their surroundings.