When you are an international student studying abroad, things are bound to look much different compared to how it used to be back home. It is likely that you will experience different teaching and learning styles which the college professors and domestic students adhere to, and you will be multi-tasking with a new daily schedule as opposed to your school days. Here are a few study tips which you can incorporate in to your own schedule while studying abroad.
1. Taking Notes
It may seem a bit daunting to keep up with the class if your professor’s teaching style is different to what you were used to back at home. By taking notes of every point which your lecturer writes up on the board and listening intently to him or her and noting down all the important points while dating each note will help you study what was taught in class in a structural and effective manner. Do not forget to go back and review all your notes prior to the next class in order to keep up with the flow.
2. Effective Time Management
Most students who travel abroad to study are living on their own, fending for themselves while juggling their study routines. Even though it seems impossible for any new international student to do the same, it can be done if you plan your schedule the way it works best for you. Without having to multi-task everything, you can allocate a certain time for all your other chores and for your studies respectively. In this way you can also practice mindfulness in doing what you do efficiently.
3. Choosing An Ideal Study Spot
Your college or university will be a great place to explore where you can find excellent areas allocated just for students to study. For example, the college library would be an ideal spot to do your studying and researching as the venue will be a quite spot and there is a wide selection of reference material for you to go through while studying.
4. Forming A Study Group With Peers
Studying together with your peers is an excellent method of learning efficiently, as you can discuss and debate amongst your friends on what you learn during classes. It is a method used by most college students as you can discuss amongst each other about any difficult areas which you find hard to understand and help each other to learn well.